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Custom Diversion/Proxy Group

  • If the built-in geo (-ip, -site) and ACL rules do not meet your needs, you can try Custom Diversion Group and Custom Proxy Group.


  • karing >=
  • Brave 1.67.116
    • Only applicable for the following example

Custom Diversion Group

  • Here we use this feature to solve the issue of Brave's translation function being unusable in Mainland China as an example.

Configuration Steps

  1. Add Diversion Group
  • Settings —> Diversion -> Custom Diversion Group -> ➕ icon in the upper right corner, add a diversion group, and write a remark like brave
  1. Add Rules
  • Return to the Custom Diversion Group list, select the remark name you just created
  • Fill in the required rules, using brave as an example:
    • In Domain Suffix, enter ""
    • Save with the checkmark in the upper left corner(✔ icon)
    • brave
  1. Select Rule Matching Action
  • Settings —> Diversion -> Diversion Rules -> In the first screen under Custom Group, select brave (the remark name of the rule you just created)
  • Select action Current Selected
    • rules
  • Return to karing homepage and reconnect to make the settings take effect
  • Turn off the "Connect" button, then turn it back on, and the button background should be green
  1. Test if it works
  • Open a page in Brave browser, right-click -> Translate
  • karing homepage -> Connection (💻 icon)
    • connections

Note: All data in the rules are case-sensitive

Terminology Explanation

Terminology Explanation

Domain Suffix: Domain suffix

  • For example, and have the same domain suffix,
  • As long as the domain suffix is, it matches the rule;

Domain: Complete domain name

  • Must be an exact match to hit the rule;

Domain Keyword: Domain keyword

  • As long as the specified keyword is in the domain name, it matches the rule
  • For example, and both have the keyword google;

IP Cidr: IP range

  • If matching a specific IP, the / should be followed by the full mask;

Process Name: Windows process name

Process Path: Complete Windows process path

App Package: Android application package id

Custom Proxy Group

  • The steps are similar to custom diversion group, and will not be repeated here